Rotkäppchen-Mumm Sektkellerei is the Market Leader on the Sparkling Wine Market in Germany with annual sales of about 1 billion Euros and brands such as Rotkäppchen Sekt, Mumm Sekt, Jules Mumm, MM Extra, Geldermann, Kloss & Foerster and others.

The bluepill GROUP in collaboration with kpunktnull (Lead), elaika (Design) and Charax (PM) was the Partner selected to realize the development of for Rotkäppchen-Mumm Sektkellerei on a Typo 3 Content Management Platform.

The bluepill GROUP realized a full response custom Typo3 development featuring the strength of Typo3 as an Open Source Enterprise CMS, Web Application Framework, which scales perfectly to the customers’ needs and provides user-friendly, workflow enhanced editing options with unlimited customization options for demanding projects.

TYPO3 supports HTML5. Publish your content future proof and hassle free with no licensing costs!

Talk to us to understand how TYPO3 can help you to save costs and improve your web efficiency and performance.

You can benefit from our business and technological experience on how to use TYPO3 or other CMS systems in your organization.


Check out the alkoholfrei website
