Henkel Adhesives is a leading solution provider for adhesives, sealants and functional coatings worldwide with powerful innovations and leading technologies under top-brands such as Loctite, Pritt, Ceresit and others.

The bluepill GROUP in collaboration with CHARAX was the Partner selected to support Henkel Adhesives in its digital transformation to design, develop and roll out a Global Video Gadget.


The “YouJustDo” Gadget is based on Vidrag a property drag and drop Video CMS that increases the productivity of Video asset management in a Global Organisation and helps Henkel Adhesives to reach with localised content the needs of different target markets around the world.

The “YouJustDo” Gadget showcases easy to find “How to” Videos of the different brands helping consumers to understand how to use specific adhesives products.

The Videos use real world practical examples to illustrate how Henkel Adhesives products can be easily used to resolve the typical challenges of consumers. This way Henkel is reaching Global markets.

YouTube Gadgets are the highest level of brand customization for a YouTube channel that a brand can achieve. A Gadget is similar to a web site (or application) and represents a rich media web experience offering deeper, more engaging functionality for users without the limitations and potentially conflicting issues of a an ordinary Brand Channel.

YouTube Gadgets can also easily be turned into a Video Hub that serve your customers as a standalone or fully integrated (into your web site) video platform.

Henkel DIY

Talk to us to understand how you can also benefit of a so called Hybrid Video Strategy. This allows to combine the “ best of both worlds,  YouTube + Video Hub to effectively use Videos to reach marketing Key Performance Indicators.

Click here to check out the You Just Do Portal

Henkel gadget is reaching Global markets
Henkel gadget is reaching Global markets
Henkel gadget is reaching Global markets
Henkel gadget is reaching Global markets
Henkel gadget is reaching Global markets
Henkel gadget is reaching Global markets